Mt. Zion United Methodist Church Freeland Maryland

Sunday Worship 9:00 AM

20009 Freeland RD
Freeland, Md. 21053

Pastor Dennis Schulze

Youth Group ages 8-18 Sunday's 5:00PM

Saturday Evening's - Join us for a casual dinner at 6pm along with bible teaching's with worship.


October 31st 6:00PM Dinner and Teaching

Novemeber 1st Service held 11:00 AM for HOME COMING lunch served after service in THE HALL. Please bring a dish to share with everyone.

Novemeber 2 7:30PM

Bible Study -Book of James held in the parsonage. 5 week course.

November 3rd, 6:ooPM

Annual Charge Conference for both churches will be held at Bentley Springs

November 4th, 10:00-11:00 AM

Bible Study on the Gospel of John held at the Parsonage. 5 week course

November 7th 9:oo AM

Mt.Zion Cemetery Committee meeting.

November 10th, 1:00-7:00 PM

Red Cross Blood drive at Maryland Line UMC

October 17th Through November

-A Study of Nehemiah.

Please send your announcments to

A Study of Nehemiah starting October 17th 7:00PM

Brian Winograd of
In His Service Ministries
A Study of Nehemiah.

A Biblical strategy to rebuild what has been torn down! God's way of bringing back to life what is seemingly beyond hope of repair. Cities, Communities, Families, Churches and Personal Relationships. A study of Hope and a brighter future for God's people. Brian brings his unique teaching style to build on the stories and historical lessons from the Bible to bring them into our everyday life and how to apply the teaching for daily successful Godly living.
Along with Worship Leader Ken Kipp and his specially gifted music ministry this 4 week series will be one to mark your calendars and make sure you are at the Mount to enjoy and grow.


Song of Solomon 2:4 4 He has taken me to the banquet hall,